Monday, 17 May 2010

Agree with the Earl of Essex's campaign to bring back fox hunting with hounds?

The hounds and the working terriors are hungry for the blood of foxes!

We hope that the new 'Tory-Lib Dem coalition government' grants us the freedom to hunt foxes with hounds under their British Bill of Rights, and abolish the Hunting Act 2004. 

In Great Britain, urban foxes were first established in cities such as Bristol and London during the 1940s. 

Urban foxes have increased in number since the introduction  of the Hunting Act 2004. Reginald Fah-Fah's research suggest that there are over 100,000  urban foxes living in the Great London area alone.

Urban Foxes principally come into residential gardens for shelter and food. Homeowners are advised to make sure that foxes get neither on their properties.

One concern about foxes is the possibility of the spread of disease to pets and humans.

Another concern is 'mange', caused by mites, which can live on foxes.

A further concern is that foxes attack domestic pets such as  cats, rabbits and hens. This has been supported by a large number of increasing incidents recorded by veterinary surgeons.

The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) is asking people to report sightings of urban foxes in the first nationwide survey to look at where animals are invading gardens.

After baby twins 'mauled' by an urban fox,  Reginald Fah-Fah is now calling for Nick Clegg MP to bring back fox hunting with hounds under his British Bill of Rights !

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